Albrecht Durer
This image is an assumption of what the artist thought the natural world looked like.

I am interested in the what this means for the artist or illustrator to wrongfully portray information unintentionally, but also what it might mean if they do so intentionally
"These illustrations -- created in 1732 for an article published in 1741 by an ophthalmologist in Kyōto named Toshuku Negoro -- show the skeletal remains of two criminals that had been burned at the stake."

this website contains a variety of interesting medical illustrations from the edo period in Japan

Looking back at medical illustrations gives an indication of how art, science, and technology have developed throughout the years.
In an attempt to teach others, medical illustrators documented much more than just science.

An entire imaginary world's encyclopedia created by the artist Luigi Serafini
this is an example of an artist purposely making information that is false and surreal...

some of the older misinformed medical illustrations look as if they could belong in this encyclopedia
I love images from histology because they are natural, with the exception of adding dyes for visibility, yet so abstract and surreal

I think using histological images out of context can make meaningful artwork about the human body, life, time, and perception
Time is only known to those that can perceive it. different organisms have different methods of living and perceiving time. for bacteria this could be sensing a slight chemical change in their surroundings. For plants it could be the way they sense the sunlight moving through the sky from sunrise to sunset. For humans the sense of time is much more complex.
For any organism to sense time they must be alive, however this also means that this perception of time will come to an end with death.
A famous and typical image of life and death is a skull with roses. the skull being death, scary and inevitable, and the roses representing the beauty of life and the cycle of nature bringing new life.

Although it is beautiful, I like to think about the things that amaze me about life, which is often the innerworkings of the body acting as a puzzling vast array of complex cell groups that no human can fully understand.
Codex Seraphinianus
In both science and art, the experimentation, research and outcomes can be similar and have a significant impact
How can art have an impact on the environment?
Dioramas and miniatures could be an inviting and intimate method for an art project that explores a scientific issue

Petri dishes
I used petri dishes for a previous project and I really liked experimenting with how they can be used in art, I think they have a lot of potential

Insect Anatomy
Bioquilts - Art under the microscope
Link to DIY silica gel microscope